eReceivables has been submitting appeals to third party payers since 2003. We have appealed hundreds of millions of claims. eReceivables is the largest processor of automated appeals solutions with over 100 hospitals under contract. Payers across the U.S. are accustomed to receiving appeals from eReceivables. There are vendors who offer “boiler plate” appeal letters, however, eReceivables’ patented process is supported by a sophisticated software technology platform that is keeping track of all appeals activity. Our technology platform knows when the appeal was submitted. It knows when the appeal was responded to by the payer. It keeps track of the payers’ requests for additional information, and of eReceivables’ responses to the payers’ requests for additional information. If appeals are not responded to the appeal is automatically escalated after 60 days to the payers’ compliance department, and the appeals keep being sent every 60 days until we receive a valid response/payment. The standardization of the appeal process allows for mass production. Mass production allows for processing efficiency and processing efficiency allows for repeated contact on smaller balance claims. eReceivables will not “cherry pick” the higher balances to work. High balance claims will receive their appropriate level of attention, but every claim, regardless of balance gets pursued. All of eReceivables’ clients enjoy return on investments of over 400%. Neglecting the smaller balance claims can leave a lot of money on the table hospitals and other providers could be collecting.